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About us

Why we started Unspun

We don't have a meet the team page, because we can (just about) all fit in one picture. 👈 That's us, we're Unspun Digital. The two of us (that's Ed on the left, and Neil on the right) started Unspun because... well actually it wasn't a conscious choice. We do this because it's what we love doing. 

We've both been fascinated with the web since we were teenagers, and after doing our first couple of websites together back in 2012, we discovered we worked well together. They say you never work a day in your life if you love what you do, and bar the odd frustrating day, that's pretty much what we've been doing since.

In 2024 we made the decision to separate from our IT brothers and sisters over at Impelling, and go it alone, just the two of us (we can make it if we try 🎵). We've not got our sights set on becoming a dominant website megacorp, we want to keep things small, personal, and about doing great work. 

Roots in the Steel City

Nope, we're not from New York City, we're from Hunter's Bar. Well Ed is... Neil grew up not very far away in Rotherham, and as such the Unspun headquarters is located just on the edge of Sheffield and Rotherham, next to the AMRC and the Waverly housing project.

Our client base however spans much wider, with customers located all over the UK. We regularly find ourselves hopping on a train to meet clients in London, or driving up to the Lake District, because why not? We see travel as one of the fun parts about this job, and relish the opportunity to meet our clients in person, wherever they are.

Sheffield however remains our home, and we're proud to follow in the footsteps of the hard working Steel artisans before us by making websites that don't just look good, but serve an important purpose too. Just don't ask us to do any actual metalworking, we'd be rubbish!

Our web design credentials

We've been doing this for a rather long time, and along the way we've won and lost big clients, quoted too high, quoted too low, over engineered features, under engineered them... We've seen it all, and our grey hairs are a good indicator towards how well seasoned we are in the web development game.

A game we still have a huge amount of love for though, and to go with it, experience. Our days working under Impelling saw us complete all sorts of projects, and ultimately taught us what we're capable of. We've won awards, our work is integral to the operations of large organisations, and we've built some great relationships with customers. 

As you can probably tell, blowing our own trumpet isn't something that comes naturally, or something we particularly enjoy doing. But the truth is, we put a lot of effort into our craft, and the results are great websites.

The Unspun spinner

"Absolute experts. I love and trust your work."

Gareth, Skills and Funding Consultancy Group

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