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We're giving away a free website

We're giving away a free website

Well the title says it all really. We're giving away a free website.

If you think your organisation could benefit from a free website, head over to this page and fill out the form to tell us why.

If you're thinking, "hmm, there's no such thing as a free lunch, there must be strings attached", or if you just want to know why we're doing this, read on!

Why are we giving away a free website?

We want to give back

We know how difficult things can be for smaller organisations when it comes to finances, staffing, and resources, and we know there will...

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Do I need a logo for my website? Do logos really matter?

Do I need a logo for my website? Do logos really matter?

Spoiler alert. The answer is yes. In this post we'll explore the reasons why it's super important to have a logo, and take a look at the often underestimated role a logo plays in a website design.

Let's clear a few things up first. What exactly is a logo?

If you're sticking with me until the end of this post (and you'd better be) it's worthwhile the two of us being absolutely clear on what a logo is. Your logo is the first thing people see when they're identifying your business, whether that's on a business card, the side of a building...

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How to add an online booking system to your website?

How to add an online booking system to your website?

Bookings are a huge part of any service related business. Whether you're a trades-person filling up your week with jobs, or a restaurant with a set number of tables to fill each night, the simple booking is a fundamental part of doing business.

At Unspun, we know a thing or two about online bookings. We've built systems for some of the UK's biggest and appointment or events-based businesses. Take a look at the our work page to see which projects we're talking about.

Adding a booking system into your website can be a great way to boost sales, but beware, it's not...

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The Unspun spinner

"Unspun showed a clear understanding of our brief and fulfilled our aims and objectives, creating a site which reflects our fresh and modern brand."


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