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How to add an online booking system to your website?

How to add an online booking system to your website?

Bookings are a huge part of any service related business. Whether you're a trades-person filling up your week with jobs, or a restaurant with a set number of tables to fill each night, the simple booking is a fundamental part of doing business.

At Unspun, we know a thing or two about online bookings. We've built systems for some of the UK's biggest and appointment or events-based businesses. Take a look at the our work page to see which projects we're talking about.

Adding a booking system into your website can be a great way to boost sales, but beware, it's not...

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Do I need SEO for my website?

Do I need SEO for my website?

Try and research this topic, and you’ll find you’re playing a rigged game. The very best people at manipulating search results are the same people who want to sell you SEO services. Agencies control the conversation around SEO, and unsurprisingly advocate for more of it whenever they get a chance.

SEO can be really expensive, and we all know budgets can make or break a small business, so by writing this article, we're hoping to share some experiences and thoughts that might help anyone with an important SEO decision on their hands.

It should be noted this isn’t an article about how...

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Who are Unspun?

Who are Unspun?

It's a fair question.

We're here claiming to have all these years of experience, we've got a raft of hilarious testimonials, a sparkling portfolio... But we're also new. How does that add up?

Nope, it's not time travel, not this time. It's much simpler. 

We used to be part of Impelling, and now we're not.

Don't worry, there's not been any punch ups or falling out. Everything is good, and we're all still friends!

Our move away from Impelling comes as part of a deliberate move to focus brand identities and strengthen the messaging for both companies.

Historically, Impelling was split down the middle, supplying...

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The Unspun spinner

"I told them nothing snazzy was required, but they made it snazzy anyway"

Louise, ETH

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