Well the title says it all really. We're giving away a free website.
If you think your organisation could benefit from a free website, head over to this page and fill out the form to tell us why.
If you're thinking, "hmm, there's no such thing as a free lunch, there must be strings attached", or if you just want to know why we're doing this, read on!
We know how difficult things can be for smaller organisations when it comes to finances, staffing, and resources, and we know there will be organisations out there who could benefit from a website but can't justify the cost.
We're in a fortunate position, where we'll probably survive even if we do some unpaid work, so we want to give back, and do something that really helps someone out.
We're not going to lie and pretend this is a completely altruistic endeavour. We're a young business, and we want to advertise our service. We're doing this to help boost our profile, gain a few more LinkedIn followers, and hopefully pick up some paid work further down the line.
That doesn't mean we're going to be stingy about things though, we want this to be a win-win for both parties, and we'll be putting just as much effort into this free build as we would a paid project. The goal is to do some good at the same time as promoting our business.
The only criteria really is you need to be based in South Yorkshire (because we'd like to meet you), and you need to be an organisation or a charity that could really benefit from a new website. We're not looking to do this for someone who wants to save a few quid on a website redesign, we're looking to do this for someone really deserving, and really make an impact with the work.
You'll get a completely bespoke Unspun website. We'll approach it exactly like we would a paid project. We're not going to take a template of the shelf change some colours and call it done. The website will be built around your requirements, and include the features you need.
The website will be built to be flexible, allowing you to manage all the pages, menus, and content on there yourself. We'd hate to give away a free website that then comes with a financial burden to manage and update, so we'll make sure it's future proofed, and easily manageable.
Before we get going, we'll agree on an exact scope so all parties involved know exactly what will be built.
There's no catch. We genuinely want to do this, and do a great job of it too. We do have to attach a few strings however, but we think they're sensible and reasonable.
Head over to this page, fill out the form. All you need to do is tell us why you think you'd benefit from a free website (and drop us a follow on social media). We'll consider all the submissions, and pick the first person with a strong case for a free website!
"I told them nothing snazzy was required, but they made it snazzy anyway"
Louise, ETH